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Discover the solutions and value that the Uruguayan IT industry generates for different sectors of the national and international economy.
Impactos Locales de las Tendencias Globales de la Industria TIC – TERCERA RONDA

Impactos Locales de las Tendencias Globales de la Industria TIC – TERCERA RONDA

This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?

Local Impacts of Global ICT Industry Trends - ROUND TWO

Local Impacts of Global ICT Industry Trends - ROUND TWO

This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?

Memory of university computing in Uruguay - Jorge Vidart

Memory of university computing in Uruguay - Jorge Vidart

In the publication "La investigación científica: una base para la exportación de software en Uruguay", Eng. Jorge Vidart tells us about the beginnings of Computer Science in Uruguay and the process of transfer from academia to industry, which took the average time of developed countries (15 years).

URUCIB and the transformation of the State - Víctor Ganón

URUCIB and the transformation of the State - Víctor Ganón

When the internet did not exist and Uruguay was regaining democracy, a real technological revolution took place within the state. The URUCIB project (URUguay CIBernético) was a real-time information system for government decision-making, ahead of its time, replicated in several countries and which today takes on special significance in light of the crucial importance of innovation applied to data management.

ICA: Artificial intelligence for the prevention of brucellosis in cattle

ICA: Artificial intelligence for the prevention of brucellosis in cattle

The information system for the prevention of brucellosis in cattle is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that allow predicting the probability of contagion, collaborating in the control and prevention of this disease. This solution was developed by ICA; a company dedicated to the development of software, consulting and geographic information systems that offers state-of-the-art geoinformatics technologies, particularly for the agricultural sector.

BANEDI: Digital Neuropsychological Battery for Children

BANEDI: Digital Neuropsychological Battery for Children

BANEDI is the first "Batería Neuropsicológica Digital Infantil" in Spanish; a tool that allows a complete cognitive evaluation of children and adolescents between 4 and 15 years old. This solution was conceived and developed by an interdisciplinary team that combines neuropsychological knowledge, design, technology and work experience in the Latin American market, in charge of the company Virtual Way, a digital product of Zeppelin Labs.

Local Impacts of Global Trends in the ICT Industry - ROUND ONE

Local Impacts of Global Trends in the ICT Industry - ROUND ONE

This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?

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The "Bitácora" section aims to improve the positioning and visibility of the IT industry as a generator of public value for the different sectors of the economy through audiovisual pieces.