In this sense, it is especially relevant to know the causes of the challenges, and to carry out diagnoses that allow identifying weaknesses to work on their improvement, and strengths to enhance them, thus reducing transaction costs, improving the competitive conditions of the sector and the business environment, and promoting the international insertion of the Uruguayan IT industry.
In the pursuit of these specific objectives, as well as for the sustainability of the function of the IT Observatory in inter-temporal terms, establishing the central features of the methodological dimension of this task is particularly relevant. Hence, the importance of establishing the distinctive characteristics of the main products resulting from the research processes carried out by the Observatory, as well as tentatively postulating the methodology of data collection, processing and analysis that the generation of the different types of products entails.
Therefore, this methodological guide proposes the following contents: the establishment of guiding principles for the research task of the IT Observatory; a definition of the types of products to be developed; the description of some specific examples of research to be undertaken within this framework; the objectives and general strategies of information collection for the realization of the same.
Methodological guide