Global Trends
Encuesta Anual a desarrolladores – Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow comparte los resultados de su Encuesta Anual a la comunidad de desarrolladores. Este informe se basa en una encuesta a 83,439 desarrolladores de software de 181 países de todo el mundo. La encuesta fue realizada entre el 25 de mayo y el 15 de junio de 2021.
Guía de la industria tecnológica en EE. UU. y su fuerza laboral tecnológica – CompTIA
La Asociación de la industria de tecnología de la computación (Computing Technology Industry Association, CompTIA) publicó su reporte Cyberstates 2021 “The definitive guide to the U.S. tech industry and tech workforce”, en donde recoge diversos indicadores referentes a la fuerza laboral tecnológica en Estados Unidos
Technologies for the education of the future
The Faculty of Education of the Universidad del Desarrollo de Chile published the book "EdTech Chile" where the purpose is to consider the benefits of the use of technology in education and reflect on the experiences of those who have used different technologies successfully.
Key technology policy trends for 2021
The top ten trends that will drive major technology changes this year have been identified by the Access Partnership.
Facial recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Access Partnership presented its report "Facial Recognition Technology" which aims to problematize the impact that facial recognition has on race, social justice, diversity and inclusion, highlighting the challenges faced in the implementation of these technologies.
Artificial Intelligence as a key to digital business success
The Global CIO 2020 report published by dynatrace, sheds light on the main challenges that CIOs and organizations are facing in the face of the accelerating digital transformation.