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Public Policies and Institutions for the Promotion of the ICT Industry in Uruguay

Uruguay has gone through different stages in terms of state policies aimed at promoting ICTs. policies aimed at promoting information and communication technologies (ICTs) in general and at boosting the development of the domestic ICT industrial sector in particular. (ICTs) in general and the impulse for the development of the domestic ICT industrial sector in particular. sector in particular.
Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

The main objective of the following study is to analytically describe the country's recent path of state interventions, with a special focus on the period from 2005 to 2020, taking into account the historical context and proposing reflections on the near future.

To undertake this task, qualitative data collection techniques were applied through the systematic review of secondary documentary sources and a series of ten semi-structured in-depth interviews with experts and qualified informants with technical, professional, academic and political knowledge on the subject.

Throughout this essentially descriptive document, analyses, opinions and comments shared by the informants interviewed are included in autonomous boxes that provide a "stakeholder perspective" on the various institutions, policies or public programmes presented in this work.

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