Local Impacts of Global Trends in the ICT Industry - ROUND ONE
This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?

Informe Anual del Sector TI datos 2019
The turnover of Cuti's partner IT companies (target universe) reached US$ 1,912 million in 2019, which meant an increase of 13% over the 2018 record (US$ 1,687 million), marking a new historical record since records have been kept, and positioning the IT industry at 3.4% of the country's total GDP for 2019.
Professionals working in the ICT sector in Uruguay
Students enrolled in tertiary IT training programmes in Uruguay
of businesses experienced new business opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic
of companies adopted telework during the pandemic Covid 19
of companies go through the Covid 19 pandemic without sending any staff to unemployment insurance

Tendencias de consumo digital en Uruguay
La Cámara de la Economía Digital del Uruguay (CEDU) publicó el Informe “Tendencias del consumo Digital”, que tiene como principal objetivo presentar información acerca de las tendencias del consumo digital en Uruguay, el perfil del consumidor digital y los motivadores y barreras a la compra online.

Los desafíos de gestionar equipos y evaluar desempeño durante la pandemia
En el mes de julio se realizó una instancia de taller, en el marco del ciclo de talleres People Care, en el que se invitó a las empresas del sector TI a reflexionar sobre los desafíos que la “nueva normalidad” trae en el establecimiento de metas, la evaluación de desempeño, las formas de dar feedback a los colaboradores y las políticas laborales post pandemia.

Local Impacts of Global ICT Industry Trends - ROUND TWO
This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?

Memory of university computing in Uruguay - Jorge Vidart
In the publication "La investigación científica: una base para la exportación de software en Uruguay", Eng. Jorge Vidart tells us about the beginnings of Computer Science in Uruguay and the process of transfer from academia to industry, which took the average time of developed countries (15 years).


Informe sobre políticas públicas destinadas al sector TI en Argentina, Brasil, México, Uruguay, Irlanda, Israel y Singapur
El presente informe constituye una sistematización sobre políticas públicas implementadas en el ámbito del sector TI en diversos países.

Monitor de la Industria TI: Diciembre 2021
El Observatorio TI elabora trimestralmente una encuesta de monitoreo de estado de situación de la industria TIC uruguaya. En este informe, se hace foco en lo ocurrido en el último trimestre de 2021.

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