09/09/2021 | Novedades, Tendencias Globales, Ventana TI
Stack Overflow comparte los resultados de su Encuesta Anual a la comunidad de desarrolladores. Este informe se basa en una encuesta a 83,439 desarrolladores de software de 181 países de todo el mundo. La encuesta fue realizada entre el 25 de mayo y el 15 de junio de 2021.
27/08/2021 | Análisis, Bitácora, Destacados, Novedades
This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?
14/06/2021 | Analysis, Blog, News, News, observatorioti
This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?
20/04/2021 | Academic Training in ICT, Mirador, News, Slider
This document compiles, systematizes and evaluates information on the academic offer in Information Technology (IT) based on the "Anuario Estadístico de Educación" of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay for the year 2020.
25/01/2021 | Analysis, Blog, Highlights, News, News, Slider
This collaborative document provides a local and plural analysis of the implications of the main global trends for the development of the ICT sector in Uruguay and answers questions such as: what global trends have the greatest impact on the Uruguayan ICT industry; where should local IT companies direct their immediate efforts to develop solutions; what strategies should the national industry follow to expand ICT in different sectors of the economy; and what public policies should be promoted to achieve these objectives?