Uruguay is the regional leader in E-Government according to the UN report
The United Nations published the 2020 edition of its 'E-Government Survey', in which Uruguay appears in second place in the hemisphere, behind the United States and leading in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Professionals working in the ICT sector in Uruguay
Students enrolled in tertiary IT training programmes in Uruguay
of businesses experienced new business opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic
of companies adopted telework during the pandemic Covid 19
of companies go through the Covid 19 pandemic without sending any staff to unemployment insurance

IT Industry Monitor: March 2021
The IT Observatory prepares a quarterly survey to monitor the state of the Uruguayan ICT industry. This report focuses on what happened in the first quarter of 2021.

URUCIB and the transformation of the State - Víctor Ganón
When the internet did not exist and Uruguay was regaining democracy, a real technological revolution took place within the state. The URUCIB project (URUguay CIBernético) was a real-time information system for government decision-making, ahead of its time, replicated in several countries and which today takes on special significance in light of the crucial importance of innovation applied to data management.

Technological innovation key to Uruguay's economic recovery
The study "Innovation for competitiveness in Uruguay: the ICT industry as a driver", prepared by the IT Observatory and the Centre for Development Studies (CED), argues that Uruguay must create an efficient ecosystem that positions innovation as the main driver of long-term economic growth.

The ICT industry in Latin America: a comparison of key indicators
This study provides relevant information on the situation of the ICT industry in the Latin American region. It summarises and consolidates data available in 8 countries in the region and compares key development indicators such as turnover, exports and employment.


Formación Académica en TIC datos 2020
El presente documento elaborado por el Observatorio TI de Cuti recopila, sistematiza y evalúa información sobre la oferta académica en Tecnologías de la Información (TI) en base al Anuario Estadístico de Educación MEC 2020.

2do. Monitor Laboral TI: Demanda de talento e industria TIC
Este estudio describe y analiza algunos componentes del mercado laboral asociado a la industria TI uruguaya y a la demanda de talentos especializados en el campo de las TIC en el país.

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