
Monitor de la Industria TI: Junio 2021
El Observatorio TI elabora trimestralmente una encuesta de monitoreo de estado de situación de la industria TIC uruguaya. En este informe, se hace foco en lo ocurrido en el segundo trimestre de 2021.

Más de una década construyendo futuro
La industria de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Uruguay se ha caracterizado por su extraordinaria dinámica, siendo una de las actividades de más alto crecimiento en las últimas décadas. En un escenario de constante crecimiento, la disponibilidad de mano de obra y de talentos calificados ha sido un factor de preocupación y ocupación para la Cámara Uruguaya de Tecnologías de la Información en los últimos 15 años.

Los desafíos de gestionar equipos y evaluar desempeño durante la pandemia
En el mes de julio se realizó una instancia de taller, en el marco del ciclo de talleres People Care, en el que se invitó a las empresas del sector TI a reflexionar sobre los desafíos que la “nueva normalidad” trae en el establecimiento de metas, la evaluación de desempeño, las formas de dar feedback a los colaboradores y las políticas laborales post pandemia.

IT Industry Monitor: March 2021
The IT Observatory prepares a quarterly survey to monitor the state of the Uruguayan ICT industry. This report focuses on what happened in the first quarter of 2021.

Technological innovation key to Uruguay's economic recovery
The study "Innovation for competitiveness in Uruguay: the ICT industry as a driver", prepared by the IT Observatory and the Centre for Development Studies (CED), argues that Uruguay must create an efficient ecosystem that positions innovation as the main driver of long-term economic growth.

The ICT industry in Latin America: a comparison of key indicators
This study provides relevant information on the situation of the ICT industry in the Latin American region. It summarises and consolidates data available in 8 countries in the region and compares key development indicators such as turnover, exports and employment.

Public Policies and Institutions for the Promotion of the ICT Industry in Uruguay
Uruguay has gone through different stages in terms of state policies aimed at promoting ICTs.
policies aimed at promoting information and communication technologies (ICTs) in general and at boosting the development of the domestic ICT industrial sector in particular.
(ICTs) in general and the impulse for the development of the domestic ICT industrial sector in particular.
sector in particular.

Formación Académica en TIC en Uruguay datos 2019
This document compiles, systematizes and evaluates information on the academic offer in Information Technology (IT) based on the "Anuario Estadístico de Educación" of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay for the year 2020.

IT Industry Monitor: December 2020 and year-on-year comparison
The IT Observatory prepares a quarterly survey monitoring the state of the Uruguayan ICT industry. In this report, the focus is on what happened in the months of October to December 2020 and a comparative analysis is made on the annual evolution of different key dimensions for the development of the sector.

Remuneration and employment in the ICT sector in Uruguay (2019/2020)
The following is a summary of the information related to employment and remuneration that emerges from the Annual IT Sector Survey conducted in 2019 and the update form completed between March and June 2020 by 36 IT companies that are members of Cuti. These results should be taken as a reference and not as statistically representative of the total number of IT companies in Uruguay.

IT Labor Monitor: Talent Demand and the ICT Industry
This study conducted jointly by the IT Observatory and Advice describes and analyzes some components of the labor market associated with the Uruguayan IT industry and the demand for specialized talent in the field of ICT in the country.

Informe Anual del Sector TI datos 2019
The turnover of Cuti's partner IT companies (target universe) reached US$ 1,912 million in 2019, which meant an increase of 13% over the 2018 record (US$ 1,687 million), marking a new historical record since records have been kept, and positioning the IT industry at 3.4% of the country's total GDP for 2019.