Uruguay: Informe de Talentos en el sector TI
Este estudio fue realizado en conjunto entre el Observatorio TI de Cuti y Microsoft.

IT Labor Monitor: Talent Demand and the ICT Industry
This study conducted jointly by the IT Observatory and Advice describes and analyzes some components of the labor market associated with the Uruguayan IT industry and the demand for specialized talent in the field of ICT in the country.
Professionals working in the ICT sector in Uruguay
Students enrolled in tertiary IT training programmes in Uruguay
of businesses experienced new business opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic
of companies adopted telework during the pandemic Covid 19
of companies go through the Covid 19 pandemic without sending any staff to unemployment insurance

Impactos Locales de las Tendencias Globales de la Industria TIC – SÉPTIMA RONDA
El siguiente documento representa la séptima ronda de un producto colaborativo elaborado por el Observatorio TI, que tiene como principal objetivo el análisis, desde la mirada de diversos referentes, de las tendencias globales emergentes y sus principales implicancias a nivel nacional.

Monitor de la Industria TI: Junio 2023
Desde 2020 el Observatorio TI ha elaborado trimestralmente una encuesta de monitoreo de estado de situación de la industria TIC uruguaya. A partir del año 2022 se relevan los impactos que la emergencia sanitaria ha generado en el sector en el mediano y largo plazo con una temporalidad semestral.

Impactos Locales de las Tendencias Globales de la Industria TIC – SEXTA RONDA
El siguiente documento representa la sexta ronda de un producto colaborativo elaborado por el Observatorio TI, que tiene como principal objetivo el análisis, desde la mirada de diversos referentes, de las tendencias globales emergentes y sus principales implicancias a nivel nacional.

Formación Académica en TIC datos 2021
El presente documento elaborado por el Observatorio TI de Cuti recopila, sistematiza y evalúa información sobre la oferta académica en Tecnologías de la Información (TI) en base al Anuario Estadístico de Educación MEC 2021.


Impacto del sector TI en la economía uruguaya y agenda para consolidar la evolución del sector
Este informe fue encargado por la Cámara Uruguaya de Tecnologías de la Información (Cuti) a la consultora CPA con el objetivo de cuantificar el impacto económico del sector TI a la economía uruguaya.

Monitor Laboral TI: Demanda de talento e industria TIC en los portales de búsqueda de empleo 2024
Este estudio analiza distintos aspectos de la demanda laboral relacionados con la industria de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) en Uruguay y la necesidad de profesionales especializados en este campo.

IT Window

Key technology policy trends for 2021
The top ten trends that will drive major technology changes this year have been identified by the Access Partnership.

Facial recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Access Partnership presented its report "Facial Recognition Technology" which aims to problematize the impact that facial recognition has on race, social justice, diversity and inclusion, highlighting the challenges faced in the implementation of these technologies.

Artificial Intelligence as a key to digital business success
The Global CIO 2020 report published by dynatrace, sheds light on the main challenges that CIOs and organizations are facing in the face of the accelerating digital transformation.

Digital solutions in the public sector: first GovTech Index of Iberoamerica
In June 2020, CAF, the development bank of Latin America, and Oxford Insights published the first GovTech Index of Ibero-America, to measure the use of digital solutions in the public sector and innovative enterprises that add value to state management. Uruguay is among the countries at the top of the ranking.


Memory of university computing in Uruguay - Jorge Vidart
In the publication "La investigación científica: una base para la exportación de software en Uruguay", Eng. Jorge Vidart tells us about the beginnings of Computer Science in Uruguay and the process of transfer from academia to industry, which took the average time of developed countries (15 years).

URUCIB and the transformation of the State - Víctor Ganón
When the internet did not exist and Uruguay was regaining democracy, a real technological revolution took place within the state. The URUCIB project (URUguay CIBernético) was a real-time information system for government decision-making, ahead of its time, replicated in several countries and which today takes on special significance in light of the crucial importance of innovation applied to data management.

ICA: Artificial intelligence for the prevention of brucellosis in cattle
The information system for the prevention of brucellosis in cattle is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that allow predicting the probability of contagion, collaborating in the control and prevention of this disease. This solution was developed by ICA; a company dedicated to the development of software, consulting and geographic information systems that offers state-of-the-art geoinformatics technologies, particularly for the agricultural sector.